Put your sewer service payment on “Automatic” and leave the rest to us!


Automatic payment is an easy and convenient way to make your sewer service payments by having them automatically taken from your bank account.  By signing up for Automatic Payment, you will:


vFree yourself of check writing

vStop worrying about checks being lost or delayed in the mail

vHave a record of payments on your bank statement

vSave postage and cost of checks

vMake payments even when you are on vacation or out of town


To enroll in the automatic payment program, just fill out the information below and return it with a voided check, or a copy of a voided check.


You will need to continue to pay your bills until the bill states, “Paid by Draft” on it.



Yes, please put my sewer service payment on “Automatic”

Check One

I authorize Raytown Sewer billing to charge my sewer service payment to my bank account number shown above.  I understand that funds will be withdrawn the 10th of every month in accordance with my bill due date and that it is my responsibility to ensure sufficient funds are in my account at that time.


I understand that my bill charges can change once each year.  Further, I understand that I will receive notice from Raytown Sewer Billing of such change, and that they will withdraw the new amount on bill due date.


This authorization will remain in effect until I instruct the Raytown Sewer Billing Department to cancel or change it.  Such notice must be made in writing and received by Raytown Sewer billing 15 days prior to the 1st day of the effective month.


I also understand that if my payment is returned for “NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS” or any other reason, Raytown Sewer Billing will discontinue this service and that I will be subject to delinquent sewer bill collection action.


I acknowledge the origination of ACH transaction to my account must comply with the provisions of U.S. Law.

By submitting this online signature you are agreeing in full to the terms indicated.

* - denotes required field