Building Permits
Click here to apply online for building permits and licensing.
Do I Need a Permit?
In general, most construction, appliance installations or replacements, reroofs, basement finishes, driveway extensions, siding, etc., do require permits to be obtained.
The building, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical codes state what is "exempt" from permitting. Anything else requires that a permit be obtained prior to work beginning. Moving, replacing, or adding plumbing drain lines, or electrical circuits must be permitted.
Note: When in doubt, call our office at 816-737-6014 to check.
How do I Obtain a Permit?
Click here to view the checklist of items needed to acquire a permit.
Note: Property owners can obtain their own permits for construction ONLY if they are doing the work themselves AND they own the property AND they reside on the property. If one of the three of these criteria is not met, a licensed contractor must obtain the permit and perform the work.
Building Permit Inspections
Different project types require different inspections during construction. To schedule an inspection, call our office at 816-737-6014 with your permit number on hand. Inspections must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance.
Reinspection fees apply when the same inspection is performed a third time.
Most inspections could last up to 30 minutes, but some more complicated projects may take longer.
Zoning Regulations
Chapter 50 of our Municipal Code cover our zoning regulations which apply even in cases where construction work doesn't require a permit. For instance, sheds less than 200 square feet and fences don't require permits, but the location, materials, heights, etc. are often regulated through our zoning codes.