Business Licenses
Click here to apply online for a business license and other related services.
The process to apply for or renew your business license differs depending on whether you are inside or outside Raytown city limits AND what type of business you are operating. Determine which of the below links best describes your desired business license. Each link will open the corresponding checklist and documents that you must submit to our office.
Note: If you are running your business out of your home, please substitute the Commercial Use Permit Application with the Home Use Occupation.
New Business License | Renewal Business License | |
Craftsman Licenses
If you are doing electrical, mechanical or plumbing work in Raytown as part of a contracting business, you are required to be licensed as a craftsman. To obtain a Craftsman License, the applicant must show that they are an expert in their field by providing test scores or other certifications. An active contractor business license is required to obtain a craftsman license. Click the above Craftsman License link that best describes your scenario to open the checklist and attached forms.
Liquor Licenses
If you are selling liquor in Raytown as part of a gross receipts business, you are required to obtain a liquor license. An active gross receipts business license is required to obtain a liquor license. Click the above Liquor License link that best describes your scenario to open the checklist and attached forms.
Other Licenses
Click one of the below links to open the corresponding checklist and series of forms that you need to gather, complete and send to our office in order to obtain a license.