City Clerk Teresa Henry
April 4, 2023 Election Filing - List of Candidates (Final)
The City Clerk is responsible for the following duties:
- Prepares Board of Aldermen agendas and web packets.
- Records and prepares minutes for the Board of Aldermen
- Authenticates and records all ordinances and resolutions.
- Oversees the publication, codification and filing of the in accordance with established procedures and legal requirements.
- Click here to view the unofficial version. This information is provided as a service from the City using a Third Party.
- Serves as custodian of official City records.
- Attests and certifies documents as true and correct and applies City seal when appropriate.
- Coordinates and responds to requests for public records.
- Works with the Jackson County Board of Elections Commissioners regarding Elections for the City.
- Administers the Oath of Office.
- Serves as a Notary Public of the State of Missouri.
Information & Applications that come from the City Clerk's Office include:
Boards and Commissions Application - Web Form
Boards and Commissions Application - PDF
Special Event Permit Application and Conditions
Block Party Permit Application
Solicitor-Peddler Permit Application and Informational Packet