Winter Weather

Winter Weather Mission Statement  

When a winter weather event occurs, it shall be the objective of the Public Works Maintenance and Operation division to make sure the streets of Raytown  are passable for vehicular traffic as soon as possible in a safe and efficient manner. The safety of the public and the personnel shall be of the highest priority at all times 


Scope of Responsibility 

The Public Works Department (specifically Maintenance and Operation) is responsible for snow and ice control on all City maintained streets.  

All state routes are maintained by the Missouri Department of Transportation, which includes Missouri State Highway 350. 


Levels of Response

It is the expectations of our citizens that Public Works crews will ensure that the streets are sufficiently passable before, during and after a winter weather event so that safe and efficient movement of traffic can continue throughout the city. In order to accomplish this the following levels of response have been designated:  

1. Anti-Icing is pre-treatment of streets with salt brine or rock salt 

2. For events that start as snow, ice or freezing rain, streets will be treated with salt and/or treated salt with accumulations 2 inches or less. Crew levels for this response will be determined by Superintendent or Supervisors. 

3. Full winter event fighting with accumulations predicted 2 to 7 inches. 

4. Full winter event fighting with accumulations predicted 7 inches or more. Completion times may be extended. 


During Snow Removal Days 

The City of Raytown works diligently with multiple departments to help alleviate the snow from the streets of Raytown.  It is our goal to make the City of Raytown a safe environment for our citizens as these snow events happen.  It is important to follow all safety precautions stated by the National Center for Environmental Health.  If there are issues that need addressed for Snow Removal, please contact us at our Snow Hotline at (816) 737-6010. 



Tips for Citizens  

  • If you have a medical emergency during a winter weather event, please call 911. 

  • Be patient! 

  • Public Works will work around the clock until all streets have been plowed and treated. If you live on a residential street or cul-de-sac, it typically requires more time to get to these streets. 

  • Please drive slowly. Excessive speed is the number one cause of winter accidents. 

  • Please give snow removal vehicles the right of way and stay at least 100 feet back from plow trucks.