Alderman Loretha Hayden

Representing Ward 2

Alderwoman Loretha Hayden saw a need for diversity on the Board of

Aldermen especially given the changing demographics of her neighborhood.

She believed she could add to the equation versus taking away and credits

that as the reason she ran to represent Ward 2. In April 2021, Hayden was

elected to her first term. Alderman Hayden served as Mayor Pro Tem

April 2023 - April 2024.

Fun Fact:  Hayden loved playing softball and started playing at the age of 13.

She played until just a few years ago, before she suffered torn ligaments in

 her thumb attempting to tag a guy out at third base.  

Hayden’s background includes serving the community, in various capacities,

including Raytown Parks board, Truman Heartland Community Foundation

Raytown Advisory board, THCF Gala committee, REF

Scholarship Review committee, Raytown Education Foundation

Board of Trustees, and past chair of Raytown Area

Chamber of Commerce.

She is a retired team manager and is currently a Raytown restaurant owner.

Hayden holds a bachelor’s degree from Baker University and a

master’s from Avila University. 

A 20-year Raytown resident, Alderwoman Hayden is married with four adult

children and five grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, traveling, and shopping (not necessarily in that order).