Board of Aldermen Meetings
Board of Aldermen meetings are on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Occasionally, the meeting will be postponed for a week if there is a special or general election on that day. The agendas, packets and minutes are prepared and maintained by the City Clerk's office. For questions, please call (816) 737-6003.
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas / packets for the Board of Aldermen are typically posted by close of business the Thursday or Friday preceding the Tuesday night meeting. Meetings and agendas are subject to change.
Meetings are telecast live on Comcast Channel 7 and Google Channel 145. As of June 2, 2015, the City began live streaming and video on demand. The agendas, minutes and other documents associated with meetings prior to June 2, 2015 are available by request through the Clerk's office, and some meeting videos are available on YouTube. Click here to view the minimum viewing requirements.
Full meeting packets typically contain the agenda, minutes from the previous meeting and accompanying documents.
Archived meeting documents can be located in the archive links on the right sidebar of this page.
To view archived videos of the meetings, click here.